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Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Pushing the Envelope in 7 Steps

Quinn drew a great card last weekend - that I won't show you here because the birthday hasn't occurred yet - but I had nothing appropriately special in my supply of envelopes. So I made one for him. Follow along and you can make one too:
1. Place card (blue) on paper wide enough to cover it when folded over
2. Fold along the red lines
3. Cut out the grey-blocked areas
4. Fold along the grey lines
5. Cut out the purple areas
6. Fold large flap from bottom up and glue to folded-in side flaps
7. Fold small top flap over and tuck inside

Tune in tomorrow for Lesson #83: How to Butter Toast in 5 Easy Steps
And Here's The Stuff I Wrote Earlier: